



The session offered a comprehensive dive into entrepreneurship skills and the burgeoning realm of Web3 technologies. The speaker emphasized traits like adaptability and risk-taking as key to entrepreneurial success in the digital age. A focal point was the decentralized nature of Web3, with blockchain, DeFi, and NFTs highlighted as transformative forces with potential across sectors. The students were guided through practical applications of Web3, with insights on integrating these technologies into their academic pursuits for collaborative innovation. Ethical considerations and challenges were also addressed, urging responsible engagement. The event bridged theory and real-world relevance, equipping students with the knowledge and inspiration to embrace entrepreneurial ventures in the digital era.

Web dev

The workshop commenced with a comprehensive introduction to the foundational pillars of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Professor Jayanth Babu expertly navigated through these essential technologies, unraveling their significance in crafting captivating and dynamic web interfaces. Delving deeper, the session expanded to encompass the intricate realm of server-side dynamics. Professor Jayanth Babu adeptly elucidated the crucial role of servers in web architecture, shedding light on their role in enabling seamless interactions and data management.

Entrepreneurship awareness, Successful entrepreneur and challenges faced, various schemes of MSME, success stories of innovators activities were conducted

In this, the .Mr. Charan Lakka Raju CEO at StuMagz and CEO of Right Process Infotech PVT.Ltd. eloquently conveyed the paramount significance of fostering entrepreneurship and nurturing the burgeoning startup ecosystem within the contemporary landscape. Acknowledging the immense reservoir of potential inherent in every individual, he adeptly illuminated how embracing the journey of entrepreneurship can not only ignite the flames of innovation but also propel economic advancement and forge enduring societal transformations.

Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA)

A workshop on Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) was conducted by ADSC on 28th and 29th November 2022. The session aimed to provide students with insights into the importance and practical aspects of EDA in the field of data science and analytics.

IDEAFORGE: Igniting Innovation and Empowering Students

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role of universities and colleges extends beyond traditional classroom teaching. It's about fostering innovation, nurturing creativity, and empowering students to become problem solvers in the real world. One remarkable initiative that embodies these principles is IDEAFORGE, a visionary project undertaken by the Atharva Data Science Community at Malla Reddy Engineering College.

Examining the Influence of Big Data: Perspectives from Ms. Hema and HOD Mr. S Shiva Prasad

In our increasingly data-driven world, the significance of Big Data cannot be overstated. This paper delves into the enlightening event where HOD Shiva Prasad and Ms. Hema shared their expertise on this subject. Big Data, the vast and complex data sets generated by our digital activities, is reshaping industries and academia alike. The event took place on [date] at [location], organized by [institution]. Both guest speakers, HOD Shiva Prasad and Ms. Hema, brought their unique perspectives to the table.

Examining the Influence of Big Data: Perspectives from Ms. Hema and HOD Mr. S Shiva Prasad

In our increasingly data-driven world, the significance of Big Data cannot be overstated. This paper delves into the enlightening event where HOD Shiva Prasad and Ms. Hema shared their expertise on this subject. Big Data, the vast and complex data sets generated by our digital activities, is reshaping industries and academia alike. The event took place on [date] at [location], organized by [institution]. Both guest speakers, HOD Shiva Prasad and Ms. Hema, brought their unique perspectives to the table.


On September 16, 2023, Malla Reddy Engineering College hosted an Internal Hackathon as part of the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2023 initiative. The primary goal of this event was to cultivate innovative thinking among the college's students and encourage them to propose creative solutions to a wide range of problem statements provided by the SIH platform. These problem statements spanned various themes, including agriculture, medicine, education, smart technology, and more, allowing students to explore and innovate across diverse areas. The event witnessed an enthusiastic participation of over 100 teams, each bringing forth their unique and imaginative ideas. This hackathon provided an exceptional platform for students to collaborate, brainstorm, and exhibit their problem-solving abilities. The event's inauguration was marked by Dr. A Ramaswami Reddy, the Principal of Malla Reddy Engineering College amd Dr. S. Shivaprasad, the Head of the Department (HOD) of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DS and AIML). The opening address, Dr. Shivaprasad elucidated the event's purpose and significance, outlining the procedures that participants would follow. Moreover, he took the opportunity to motivate and inspire the students, stressing the importance of their creative and innovative ideas. His words undoubtedly infused confidence and enthusiasm in the participants, contributing significantly to the event's success.


In the ever-evolving field of data science, knowledge transfer and continuity are paramount. The Atharva Data Science Community (ADSC) at Malla Reddy Engineering College understands this fundamental concept . Founded in 2021 by second-year students of the Data Science department, ADSC has made significant strides in fostering data science skills and knowledge within the college.


In an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge, the second inauguration of the Atharva Data Science Community (ADSC) marked a significant milestone for the expanding data science enthusiasts at Malla Reddy Engineering College. The event commenced with the solemn lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the illumination of minds, followed by a serene prayer song that resonated with the spirit of the occasion. The respected Principal, Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy, and the beloved Head of the Data Science Department, Dr. S. Shiva Prasad, along with other esteemed faculty members who graced the occasion with their presence. The heart of the event was undoubtedly the core team members of ADSC. With their dedication and commitment, they had embarked on a mission to impart knowledge and ignite the spark of curiosity in their fellow students. The core team decided to teach the basics of NumPy, a fundamental Python library for scientific computing, to a massive gathering of over 250 eager students.


On December 26, 2022, the Atharva Data Science Community at Malla Reddy Engineering College organised an enlightening and informative webinar on SQL, the Structured Query Language, a fundamental topic in the world of data management. This event witnessed a remarkable turnout, with approximately 300 enthusiastic students from both the second and third years of the college attending the session. The seniors from the Atharva Data Science Community took the lead in conducting the webinar, imparting valuable insights and knowledge to their fellow students.


The orientation of the Atharva Data Science Community (ADSC) held at Malla Reddy Engineering College on December 10, 2022, was a significant event attended by over 400 students. The event was graced by the presence of respected individuals, including Principal Dr. A. Ramaswami Reddy, and the beloved Head of the Data Science Department, Dr. S. Shiva Prasad, as well as Ms. Hema and other esteemed data science faculty members.


Atharva DS community was formed by Data Science students on 15 June 2022 to help date science grow and have a higher reach in our college. Since data science is a new subject and cannot fully stand on its own we made this community to fill the gap between our syllabus and the corporate company requirements where we could discuss learn and teach about data science. The name "Atharva" is derived from the Atharvana Veda, one of the four sacred texts in Hinduism. Similarly, data science serves as a source of comprehensive knowledge in various fields, comparable to the extensive knowledge encompassed within the Atharvana Veda. Hence came Atharva Data Science community with the help of our HOD Dr.S.ShivaPrasad and our supportive Director Dr.A.Ramaswamy Reddy.


A visionary third-year student embarked on the entrepreneurial journey by founding the innovative venture, ATTYUTTAMA. Recognizing the immense potential and ingenuity behind this initiative, the department forged a strategic partnership, formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with the burgeoning company.


1st batch of Data science was completed the B.Tech.


The Department of CSE(DATA SCIENCE) organized 4days national workshops under the name Praesto 2k23.